Ola taxi driver beaten up at Aromal parking lot Pune News

A video of an Ola cab driver being thrashed by a mob of rival union drivers working under a private cab agency inside Pune International Airport’s Aeromal went viral on WhatsApp on Thursday. The incident took place after a verbal altercation turned violent in the parking area of ​​the mall on Wednesday night.

It is said that the victim, identified as Bandu Darade, got into a fight while getting into the car from the fourth floor of Aeromal parking to the Ola pick-up point on the first floor. He was responding to a passenger’s travel request when the incident happened.

‘I was driving slowly and carefully on the narrow road to avoid an accident with an oncoming vehicle. However, the driver behind me kept honking and asking me to drive faster,” Darade told The Indian Express.

After Darade got out of the vehicle, the situation worsened when he had to let the other driver go. “He started verbally abusing me and then called other drivers from his union operating inside the Aroma Mall. They assaulted me, tore my clothes and hit me with an object. I lost consciousness and had to get stitches in my mouth,” he said, adding that outside the mall Harm was also threatened.

Darade received support from members of the Ma Saheb Cab Sangathan, another driver’s union not affiliated with Aeromal. He said that a non-cognizable (NC) complaint has been filed against the accused driver.

Varsha Shinde, leader of the Ma Saheb Cab Sangathan, alleged that the attackers belonged to the Sai Nath Taxi Union, which had been granted permission to operate inside Aeromall.

Aromal Authority Vice President Yuvraj Singh Rajput said that there was a fight between two cab drivers over customers waiting in line. “Security personnel immediately intervened, ensuring that the matter was resolved outside the Aeromal premises. The incident has nothing to do with the Aeromal management. After the resolution, traffic and pick-up/drop-off arrangements at the venue were soon restored to normal,” he said.

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